
Multiservice Property Reforming

"Multiservice Property Reforming at its BEST"

HouseForce is fully legal to trade here on the Costa Blanca and you can now experience “Multiservice Property Reforming at its BEST” and we are only a call away. Our Team of people are unique because our recruitment is based not only on skills but on professionalism, passion for the success of the company and discipline to work as a team.

Feeling the Energy

You can always feel the energy in our presence as our Team genuinely enjoy working together and providing a professional service that clients deserve.

Our intense commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is the basis of our drive to excel, which in turn enables us to build a strong relationship with our clients.

I am confident that you will find an array of Multiservice Trades that we can provide to suit all types of projects that you may be considering either now or soon.

Whatever you need! We are just a call away to sort out those small silly projects that you never get time to do, and it could be a simple matter of re-aligning a lock or clearing that blocked water trap.

Maybe you have just purchased an older property that resides in the 1970-80s? You want to change the Kitchen and Shower room as well as some extra internal alterations or maybe add an extension.

HouseForce can provide a Fully Licenced Project allowing you to relax in the knowledge that your completed projects are Guaranteed and Legal.

Just a thought! I sometimes yearn to turn back time when a builder was a tradesperson and could be recognised for his/her trust and be a big part of the community as his word was his reputation.

A Multiservice that will Surprise You

Here at HouseForce.Biz I truly believe the services we provide will not only surprise your conception of Multiservice builders but also change the way you look upon the profession as I continue to implant into my team that each client is essential to the progression of any business regardless of what Multiservice is provided and leaving clients with a smile on their faces relates to a happy customer which is the success of any business.

Quality does not necessarily mean unaffordability, on the HouseForce.Biz website you will only see pictures of projects that have been completed by my team and I, no glossy magazine unrealistic projects that many of us dream about as often they are created to sell products from the manufacturing companies.

Clients Have Different Needs

Each client’s needs are different; When you request a visit from HouseForce.Biz to discuss your requirements we will listen to what you are saying and try to establish if your wants are what you need! We all have high expectations especially myself but sometimes it is necessary to evaluate what it is I need as my wants will be higher than what can be afforded.

Generally, a visit will last between 30/60 minutes and in this time, we will take measurements and pictures and possibly a video if necessary so that we have all relevant information related to your project. Over the next few days the information gathered will be collated into Cloud Folders which will be assigned to your client name, once this is completed and your quotation has been compiled we will contact you and provide secure access to all Client Cloud Folders allowing you to peruse at your leisure.









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